Why innovate with Helve
Collaborate with the right startups ↓
Break ice in corporate collaboration and learn how to successfully work with startup teams scouted for your business challenge
Implement solutions exclusively for you ↓
Use the momentum and tackle your business challenge right away by applying the latest technologies and collaborative tactics via a tailor-made process for you
Test how new ideas succeed or fail ↓
Make your R&D more efficient by testing how new ideas succeed or fail without dealing with the costs or logistical challenges of internal R&D
Let your team master “the startup way" ↓
Enable learning opportunities for your team by exposing them to the startup mindset that embraces risk, speed, and experimentation.
Unlock new technologies & latest trends ↓
Unlock new industry-specific technologies, trends, and commercial opportunities and increase their speed to market in an insightful way
Our solutions for innovative business models
Internal ideation culture
Understand how innovation ecosystems work, brace your team to work “the startup way” and innovate internally
Gain internal buy-in and understanding needed to grow via innovation processes
Align and motivate your team, grow open innovation idea development and set structured internal solutions
⋄ Workshops & lectures
⋄ Ideation sprints
⋄ Internal hackathons
⋄ Internal incubation
⋄ Venture building

Business growth
Map your challenges, discover solution opportunities and tackle them by collaborating in a venture-client setup
Gain insight and provide viability to promising leading innovation and its commercialization
Expand market presence and serve new
audiences by building new products and service in a fast and efficient way

⋄ Challenge discovery
⋄ Open challenges
⋄ Acceleration and incubation programs
⋄ Direct scouting
⋄ M&A
Open innovation
Open up your business, encourage knowledge sharing and benefit from investing in the ecosystem
Contribute to the innovation ecosystem now with a long-term collaboration vision and returns
Increase long-term market potential and
synergies, position your brand in the innovation ecosystem and build an agile reputation
⋄ External hackathons
⋄ Knowledge sharing
⋄ Sandboxes
⋄ Industry accelerations
⋄ Corporate venture capital
⋄ State venture capital